/BCO-DMO/Patterns_of_Activities/SO248_GF_MCAMUF_joined --Longitude eq 179.5500,depth_no eq d3-- Level 2

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#   Microbial Activities: GF MCAMUF
#   RV/Sonne So248, South and North Pacific, along 180 W
#   P.I.: C. Arnosti (UNC Date/time and: 2018-07-31
#   NOTE: Date/time and location data from CTD cast data (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.864673) were joined to original dataset
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            24.2               nd           nd           0.010754    0.004839    3          
AAF          2            48.0               nd           nd           0.009473    0.001183    3          
AAF          3            72.1               nd           nd           0.007468    0.001796    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            24.2               nd           nd           0.031625    0.010248    3          
AAPF         2            48.0               nd           nd           0.026443    0.008559    3          
AAPF         3            72.1               nd           nd           0.026902    0.006104    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            24.2               nd           nd           0           0           3          
a-glu        2            48.0               nd           nd           0           0           3          
a-glu        3            72.1               nd           nd           0.000187    0.000151    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            24.2               nd           nd           0.000129    0.000772    3          
b-glu        2            48.0               nd           nd           0           0           3          
b-glu        3            72.1               nd           nd           0.000676    0.000347    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            24.2               nd           nd           0.029030    0.013812    3          
FSR          2            48.0               nd           nd           0.024229    0.001897    3          
FSR          3            72.1               nd           nd           0.028164    0.002327    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            24.2               nd           nd           0.051650    0.006320    3          
L            2            48.0               nd           nd           0.047203    0.006107    3          
L            3            72.1               nd           nd           0.053234    0.010472    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S16           SO248_16-2    2016-05-26T13:21  50.0000   179.5500   
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            24.2               nd           nd           0.039360    0.021825    3          
QAR          2            48.0               nd           nd           0.049898    0.008993    3          
QAR          3            72.1               nd           nd           0.050620    0.010141    3